How Grow and Care for Hardy Kiwi Vine 如何種植軟棗獼猴桃 By DAVID BEAULIEU Hardy kiwi vine is a cold-hardy co...
How to Grow Kiwifruit 如何種好獼猴桃英文中文對照版
If you enjoy the kiwifruit typically found at supermarkets and have wondered about growing them your...
Kiwifruit is therefore a healthy food option for consumers with impaired glucose tolerance. 獼猴桃是糖尿病消費者的健康食品選擇,對血糖影響將非常低
Kiwifruit has a relatively low glycemic impact on a per serving basis. DRRs from kiwifruit have a su...
Zespri has confirmed that its current red kiwifruit will be named Zespri RubyRed Kiwifruit 佳沛命名新的紅心獼猴桃品種:寶石紅獼猴桃
It's official, Zespri has confirmed that its current red kiwifruit will be named Zespri RubyRed Kiwi...
新西蘭佳沛將旗下的新品紅肉獼猴桃命名為“佳沛寶石紅”(Zespri RubyRed)redkiwifruit
奇異果巨頭新西蘭佳沛(Zespri)不久前宣布,將重新命名其紅心奇異果品牌,名為“佳沛寶石紅”(Zespri RubyRed),將在2022年銷售季開展第一年大規(guī)模商業(yè)種植。 ▲g3 kiwifrui...
Zespri’s red kiwifruit is being renamed Zespri RubyRed. Zespri的紅色獼猴桃將更名為Zespri RubyRed(寶石紅獼猴桃)
RubyRed: Zespri Red kiwifruit gets a new name Zespri's red kiwifruit is being renamed Zespri RubyRed...
新西蘭獼猴桃收獲節(jié)開幕,寶石紅獼猴桃上市 New Zealand kiwifruit harvest opens with RubyRed
New Zealand kiwifruit harvest opens with RubyRed 新西蘭獼猴桃收獲節(jié)開幕,寶石紅獼猴桃上市 New Zealand’s 2022 kiwifruit h...
Kiwifruit are high in both soluble and insoluble fibers 獼猴桃富含纖維素 有潤腸通便的作用
Kiwifruit are high in both soluble and insoluble fibers containing about 3.4 g fiber per 100 g fruit...