Kiwifruit has a relatively low glycemic impact on a per serving basis. DRRs from kiwifruit have a substantial capacity to retard mixing and glucose diffusion, even in the absence of the gut-soluble pectin fraction. If the ability of kiwifruit dietary fiber to reduce mixing extends to the gut lumen, where it may reduce mass transfer of digesta to the gut wall, and is augmented by an ability to reduce glucose diffusion, as the in vitro results suggest, it may have an important role to play in protecting against disorders related to absorption rate, such as the postprandial blood glucose excursion.
▲Kiwifruit planting▲
Such a conclusion is supported by the observation that the GI of kiwifruit measured in humans is less than is calculated from the glycemic indices of its constituent sugars alone. Further, expressing the relative glycemic impact of kiwifruit on the basis of customarily consumed portions reveals that the relative effect of kiwifruit on blood glucose levels will be very low, and it is therefore a healthy food option for consumers with impaired glucose tolerance.
▲Kiwi orchard▲
▲golden kiwifruit▲
▲Golden kiwifruit▲
▲Kiwi sapling▲
