While kiwifruit has a high nutritive and health value, a small proportion of the world's population appears to be allergic to the fruit. IgE-mediated kiwifruit allergy is often associated with birch and grass pollinosis as well as with latex allergy. Isolated allergy to kiwifruit is also relatively common and often severe.
▲Golden kiwifruit▲
Eleven green kiwifruit (Actinidia deliciosa cv. Hayward) allergens recognized to date are termed as Act d 1 through Act d 11. Bet v 1 homologue (Act d 8) and profilin (Act d 9) are important allergens in polysensitized subjects, whereas actinidin (Act d 1) is important in kiwifruit monosensitized subjects. Differences in allergenicity have been found among kiwifruit cultivars. Allergy sufferers might benefit from the selection and breeding of low-allergenic kiwifruit cultivars.
迄今為止,11種綠色獼猴桃(海沃德獼猴桃)過(guò)敏原被稱(chēng)為Act d 1至Act d 11。Bet v 1同源物(Act d 8)和profilin(Act d 9)是多敏化受試者的重要過(guò)敏原,而獼猴桃素(Act d 1)在獼猴桃單敏化受試者中很重要。獼猴桃品種的過(guò)敏性存在差異。過(guò)敏患者可能受益于低過(guò)敏性獼猴桃品種的選擇和育種。
▲Kiwi sapling▲
▲Kiwifruit planting▲
▲Kiwi orchard▲
▲sungold vine
