New RubyRed kiwifruit variety due on shelves soon Clarisa Gibney, a member of the 2022 kiwifruit har...
The first variety to be picked is the novel red-fleshed cultivar RubyRed 紅寶石獼猴桃今年將首次作為商業(yè)品種出售
According to the online news website Scoop, the 2022 harvest season for New Zealand’s kiwifruit is n...
The first recorded description of the kiwifruit dates back to the 12th century China 獼猴桃英文介紹
Kiwifruit is native to north-central and eastern China. The first recorded description of the kiwifr...
Kiwi Nutrition Facts and Health Benefits 獼猴桃營養(yǎng)成分和健康益處
Kiwi is a tiny fruit that packs in a lot of nutritional benefits. Sometimes referred to as kiwifruit...
新西蘭人把Chinese Gooseberry(中國醋栗)改名為kiwifruit
作者:小強的英語手帳 (醋栗本是一種生長在印尼、菲律賓、巴西等熱帶地區(qū)的水果,洋人發(fā)明了“中國醋栗”來命名獼猴桃) 奇異是英語 kiwi 的音譯。至于為什么叫kiwi,首先要說一說奇異果的主要出口國:...
the kiwifruit remains a niche fruit, taking up an estimated 0.22% of the global fruit bowl 獼猴桃消費量僅占水果總銷量的千分之二
While the world total production of kiwifruit has increased by over 50% during the last decade, the ...
Kiwifruit contain allergens that can cause allergic responses in susceptible consumers 獼猴桃中含量蛋白質(zhì) 被認為是引起過敏的原因
Kiwifruit contain allergens that can cause allergic responses in susceptible consumers. The response...