Domestication of Actinidia Species
Kiwifruit have a very short history of cultivation. In China, they used to be simply collected from the wild (Ferguson & Huang, 2007). There were attempts to grow both A. chinensis and A. deliciosa outside China during the first years of the twentieth century, but only plants of A. deliciosa seem to have established successfully (Ferguson & Bollard, 1990). Seed and plants collected in China were sent to Europe, the United States, and New Zealand. In Europe and the United States, A. deliciosa did not develop into a commercial crop but remained merely a horticultural novelty grown by enthusiastic gardeners. A common problem was getting plants of both sexes, and there were only very occasional reports of successful fruiting. New Zealand was more fortunate in that both male and female plants must have been raised from the original introduction of seed in 1904 as fruit were being produced by 1910 (Ferguson & Bollard, 1990). A commercial orchard, the first in the world, was established by the 1930s and was soon followed by more widespread if still limited plantings. Commercial exports of fruit of A. deliciosa started in 1953. The success in the markets created such a demand that from 1970 onward, there was a rapid expansion of plantings, primarily to supply fruit for export, and by 1976, exports exceeded local consumption. Fruit of A. deliciosa have been available to consumers of most developed countries for nearly half a century.
The success of the New Zealand industry encouraged growers in other countries to start growing A. deliciosa using the cultivars and techniques that had proved successful. For many years, the plants grown in most of these other countries came from New Zealand and were therefore descended from the importation of seed in 1904 (Ferguson, 2004). The initial process of domestication of A. deliciosa thus started more than 100 years ago outside China, and the first commercial orchards were outside China. Fruit were being sold in international markets before cultivation of A. deliciosa or other Actinidia species had been even attempted in China.
▲Golden kiwifruit▲
Experimental cultivation of A. chinensis began in Beijing more recently, about 50 years ago, and orchards of selections of this species were being established in China around 1980, well before commercial cultivation started in other countries (Ferguson & Huang, 2007). Fruit of A. chinensis have become readily available in the international marketplace only during the last 5–10 years.
Until recently, consumers expected kiwifruit to be hairy on the outside and green inside. The arrival in the marketplace of yellow-fleshed kiwifruit with a different flavor, the comparatively hairless fruit of A. chinensis, therefore marked a fundamental change. Even so, green-fleshed kiwifruit of A. deliciosa still account for 90–95% of the international trade in kiwifruit. It might have been predicted that the yellow-fleshed kiwifruit (currently all A. chinensis) would become relatively more common but this seems unlikely, at least in the short term. The yellow-fleshed genotypes of A. chinensis cultivated in Italy, New Zealand, and some other countries seem particularly susceptible to bacterial canker, caused by Pseudomonas syringae pv. actinidiae.
▲golden kiwi tree
▲Kiwi sapling▲
▲golden kiwi plants
