Seeka can supply GREEN KIWIFRUIT GOLD KIWIFRUIT in New Zealand &Australia? ?seeka是在新西蘭和澳大利亞的綠肉獼猴桃盒金奇異果的供應商
▲zespri kiwifruit Import and export
Seeka can supply kiwifruit in a range of convenient configurations from ready-to-retail clear packs to bulk boxes.Seeka可以提供一系列方便的配置,從現(xiàn)成的零售透明包裝到散裝包裝。
▲rubyred 寶石紅奇異果
Options include retailer labelling and packaging, or using the distinctive Seeka brand.選擇包括零售商標簽和包裝,或使用獨特的Seeka品牌。
▲sungold g3 kiwifruit vine
Seeka's New Zealand kiwifruit are grown across New Zealand's main orcharding areas ranging from Northland, the Coromandel, the Bay of Plenty, through to the Hawke's Bay.Seeka的新西蘭獼猴桃種植在新西蘭的主要果園區(qū)域,從北國、科羅曼德爾、豐足灣到霍克灣。
In Australia, Seeka grows kiwifruit on its orchards in the fruit bowl of Shepparton, Victoria, Australia.在澳大利亞,Seeka在澳大利亞維多利亞州Shepparton的果園里種植獼猴桃。
▲rubyred 寶石紅奇異果
Seeka is involved on the orchard, at the packhouse and in the market.Seeka參與了果園、牧場和市場。
▲redKiwi sapling▲
We are the largest grower of kiwifruit in New Zealand and Australia, with our post harvest team managing an integrated supply line to our market partners.我們是新西蘭和澳大利亞最大的獼猴桃種植者,我們的收獲后團隊為我們的市場合作伙伴管理一條綜合供應線。
▲g3 kiwi orchard testing
Our kiwifruit are available in the distinctive Seeka brand and we also provide branded supply services for our market partners.我們的獼猴桃有獨特的Seeka品牌,我們還為我們的市場合作伙伴提供品牌供應服務。
▲zespri yellow kiwi
▲Kiwi pollination▲
▲yellow kiwi planting
