Zespri owns plant rights to SunGold for another 18 years 佳沛擁有陽光金果18年的種植權(quán)

mihoutao 2023 年 8 月 22 日18:34:34Zespri owns plant rights to SunGold for another 18 years 佳沛擁有陽光金果18年的種植權(quán)已關(guān)閉評論115 views閱讀模式

Zespri to take civil case in China as illegal gold kiwifruit plantings expand隨著非法黃金獼猴桃種植面積擴(kuò)大,Zespri將在中國提起民事訴訟

New Zealand zespri Kiwifruit packaging

▲New Zealand zespri Kiwifruit packaging

Bringing it all back home - Zespri shares kiwifruit pointers with Chinese growers. This video was first published in 2018.把一切帶回家-Zespri與中國種植者分享獼猴桃指針。該視頻于2018年首次發(fā)布。



Zespri is preparing to take a civil case in China against growers who have illegally planted the sungold kiwifruit variety SunGold.Zespri正準(zhǔn)備在中國對非法種植陽光金果獼猴桃品種SunGold的種植者提起民事訴訟。

zespri goldenkiwifruit

▲zespri goldenkiwifruit

The Tauranga-based marketing co-operative said there could be as many as 2-2500 hectares planted in the variety, which has enjoyed worldwide success since it was launched on the market in 2010.


zespri RubyRed

▲zespri RubyRed▲

The figure is a large increase on a previous estimate two years ago of about 100ha. In New Zealand there are 6500 hectares of SunGold, with a further 1100ha licensed overseas, which is sold at a premium to most other varieties.




Sales of SunGold represent about half of Zespri's total revenue of $2.94 billion a year.SunGold的銷售額約占Zespri年總收入29.4億美元的一半。

Kiwi pollen

▲Kiwi pollen▲

Zespri chief grower and alliances officer Dave Courtney said while sales of the fruit had not yet affected the co-op because its market share in China was still growing, it wanted to protect its intellectual property. China buys more than $500 million kiwifruit a year from Zespri and is its biggest market.

Zespri首席種植者和聯(lián)盟官戴夫·考特尼(Dave Courtney)表示,雖然這種水果的銷售尚未影響到該合作社,因為它在中國的市場份額仍在增長,但它希望保護(hù)自己的知識產(chǎn)權(quán)。中國每年從Zespri購買超過5億美元的獼猴桃,是其最大的市場。



"We're aware that the variety has been grown by smaller household growers but what we're noticing is there are a couple of bigger, more commercial players picking it up which has made us step in.


zespri kiwifruit Import and export

▲zespri kiwifruit Import and export

Shanghai fruit shop owner Dai Gui Jun with Zespri kiwifruit which has just arrived from New Zealand.上海水果店老板戴桂軍帶著剛從新西蘭運(yùn)來的Zespri獼猴桃。

gold g3 kiwi

▲gold g3 kiwi

"Right now it's not impacting on us unless we could have sold that licence but we're not selling licences offshore anyway. The potential cost if left to grow is that it would displace New Zealand fruit from the shelf, but we're a long way off that," Courtney said.


zespri yellow kiwi

▲zespri yellow kiwi

Zespri owns plant rights to the new SunGold for at least another 18 years, so only growers contracted to the co-operative can plant it.


Rubyred kiwi orchard

▲Rubyred kiwi orchard

Last year Zespri launched a case in New Zealand against the person who allegedly sent SunGold plants to China.去年,佳沛在新西蘭起訴了一名據(jù)稱將陽光金果工廠運(yùn)往中國的人。

zespri yellow kiwi

▲zespri yellow kiwi

Courtney said Zespri was monitoring orchards and supply channels to understand the scale of the issue, as well as to obtain evidence for legal proceedings. 考特尼說,澤斯普里正在監(jiān)測果園和供應(yīng)渠道,以了解問題的規(guī)模,并為法律訴訟獲取證據(jù)。

zespri sungold g3 kiwi

▲zespri sungold g3 kiwi

Zespri chief grower and alliances officer Dave Courtney says the co-op wants to protect its intellectual property.


cases over trademark violations gave it confidence.商標(biāo)侵權(quán)案件給了它信心。

Golden kiwifruit

▲Golden kiwifruit

"We've had success pursuing trademark infringement as a criminal matter, we've had fines issued against people who've used our brand, especially in Shanghai. We're working with a law firm in China and here in New Zealand."




Zespri sales are still expanding in China, evidenced by kiwifruit trays stockpiled in a Shanghai coolstore.


sungold g3 kiwifruit vine

▲sungold g3 kiwifruit vine

China is in the process of updating its plant variety rights laws to bring them into line with the most recent international standards.中國正在更新其植物品種權(quán)利法,使其符合最新的國際標(biāo)準(zhǔn)。

Yellow kiwi orchard

▲Yellow kiwi orchard

The illegal plantings are not the first affecting Zespri in China. In the early 2000s, the gold variety Hort16A was planted over about 1000ha, but did not appear significantly in stores.




Zespri meanwhile has reported its New Zealand season is drawing to a close with a final ship leaving this week.與此同時,Zespri報道說,它的新西蘭賽季即將結(jié)束,最后一艘船將于本周離開。



zespri rubyred kiwifruit

▲zespri rubyred kiwifruit
