SunGold Kiwi vs Green Kiwi: What is the Difference? 新西蘭陽光金果對吧綠心獼猴桃有什么不同點
▲Kiwi pollen▲
Kiwi is a great fruit of choice as it is rich in many vitamins and minerals. It is one of the lower calorie options to consume vitamin E- a vitamin that is usually found in healthy foods with a higher amount of calories. It is great for your immune system as it has more vitamin C than an orange. The kiwi fruit is also abundant in folate, potassium, and fiber.
▲New Zealand zespri redKiwifruit packaging
▲zespri sungold g3 kiwi
With the warmer months returning, so has golden kiwi. As a nutrition major, a few of my friends had asked me what exactly is the difference between golden kiwi and regular green kiwi-fruit.
▲sungold kiwi orchard
Golden kiwi is more sweet tasting.
If you want a replacement for a sweet treat in the summer, a golden kiwi is your friend. It is not unusual for a dietitian to recommend eating a golden kiwi because of it’s natural sugars in place of a dessert with added sugar.
▲yellow kiwi planting
Golden kiwi is more soft.
A softer texture can be both a good and bad thing. The softness may make chewing easier and produce a more ripe taste. Others have complained that the golden kiwi is too mushy.
▲yellow kiwi planting
Golden kiwi is higher in vitamin C and folate.
A golden kiwi has about 200 mg/cup vitamin C where your classic green kiwi has 170mg/ cup. In one cup the golden kiwi has about 60 micrograms/cup where the green kiwi has 40 micrograms/cup. Sometimes, the golden kiwi is fortified with B vitamins as well.
Golden kiwi is seasonal where green kiwi is not.
While green kiwi is produced year round, the golden kiwi is in season from May to January. This excludes it from the Spring season and may be why it is all the hype once the summer hits.
