Kiwifruit Country: Behind the Scenes at a New Zealand Kiwi Fruit Farm新西蘭獼猴桃農(nóng)場的幕后
Fruit on a mature green kiwifruit vine in New Zealand新西蘭成熟的綠色獼猴桃藤上的果實
Green kiwi fruit ready to be picked.綠色獼猴桃準備采摘。
▲zespri sungold g3 kiwi
Sadly, Kiwifruit Country had to close its tour operations. However, we have kept this article for its historical significance and to share the process of growing and processing commericial kiwifruit in New Zealand.
▲Kiwi pollination▲
▲g3 kiwifruit
Green or gold, kiwi fruit is a delightful mix of tart and sweet. Living in New Zealand, we eat them often, but until we visited a kiwi fruit farm in the Bay of Plenty, I had no idea what goes into the process. We arrived just days before the harvest. It was quite surreal to stand in the kiwi orchard surrounded by 1,000s of kiwi fruit still on the vine.
▲golden kiwi tree
▲Kiwi pollination
As it turns out the western Bay of Plenty produces 80% of New Zealand’s kiwifruit crop. We toured Kiwifruit Country, a kiwi fruit farm that is one of the larger orchards in the region at 75 acres. This compares to an average size of 10 acres.
▲sungold g3 kiwifruit vine
▲zespri Rubyred Kiwi
Note: Always check the official rules regarding New Zealand’s traffic light’ levels. Many options are at reduced capacity, therefore, booking ahead is more important than ever, as is reading cancellation policies.
▲Kiwi pollination▲
▲yellow kiwi planting
Where is Kiwifruit Country?
The majority of New Zealand kiwifruit grows in the western Bay of Plenty, well south of Tauranga and north of Opotiki (East Cape).
▲Yellow kiwi
Kiwi fruit grows well in the Bay of Plenty due to its temperate climate, volcanic ash soil, topological conditions, and coastal location. The city of Te Puke is the self-proclaimed kiwifruit capital of the world.
▲golden kiwi tree
1000s of fruit ready to be picked at this kiwifruit farm
1000s of fruit ready to be picked at this kiwi fruit farm.
Kiwi fruit is a New Zealand icon. Have you tried one? It offers a surprisingly delicate flavour packed in a green or gold berry. Often mistakenly called a Kiwi fruit tree or kiwi plant, the fruit actually grows on vines. Newly planted vines take four years before producing fruit.
▲sungold g3 kiwi planting
In New Zealand, many of the vines producing viable fruit are 35 to 90 years old. Amazingly, there are 600-year-old wild vines in China that still produce viable fruit, although they call it a Chinese gooseberry.
Kiwi fruit or kiwifruit: a large berry fruit. Its is grown commercially in New Zealand, Italy, Chile, South Africa, and the USA (California).
▲New Zealand zespri Kiwifruit
Kiwi bird: a flightless nocturnal bird found only in New Zealand. With similar shape and colour, it’s no wonder the little fruit bears the same name.
Kiwifruit Country – a tour of a kiwi fruit farm
Kiwifruit Country is one of New Zealand’s largest growers of kiwi fruit, producing 1,500 tonnes annually. That’s a lot of fruit, especially when you think that each piece is handpicked. We toured their kiwifruit orchard just days before the start of the annual ten-week picking season. The fruit on the vines was plentiful.
▲Rubyred kiwi orchard
I had to smile when I first saw the giant kiwifruit shaped carts that transported us as we toured the kiwi fruit farm. We did get off to explore both the green and gold kiwi orchard, then we returned to the shop for tastings.
Kiwi Car at Kiwifruit Company in the Bay of Plenty New Zealand
First image: tall trees built as a wind block to protect the fruit from banging into each other.
Second image: the kiwi fruit carts.
▲golden g3 kiwifruit
▲Golden kiwifruit
Green kiwifruit orchard
Our driver knew everything there is to know about the orchard, as he has been part of the team for over 15 years. Furthermore, he happily shared it all with us. Our first stop was the green kiwifruit orchard, as it is the primary crop of Kiwifruit Country.
▲sungold g3 Kiwifruit packaging
▲g3 kiwifruit
Fruit on a mature green kiwifruit vine at a New Zealand kiwi farm
Green kiwi fruit ready to be picked.
Mature green kiwifruit vines in the Bay of Plenty in New Zealand
Each mature green kiwifruit vine can produce up to 1000 pieces of fruit.
▲redKiwi sapling▲
▲gold g3 kiwi
Do you eat the kiwi fruit skin?
It is loaded with vitamins and nutrients. But don’t worry if you don’t, as it turns out, only 10% of consumers eat the skin.
Golden kiwifruit orchard
Golden kiwi fruit vines are started a bit differently than the green ones. Using the “tipi effect” the canes grow stronger. Although once established, the golden fruit vine grows similarly to the green fruit.
▲New Zealand zespri Kiwifruit packaging
▲sungold orchard management
▲Kiwifruit packing box
